Fishing For Friends
You get a line, I'll get a pole and we'll go down to the fishing hole. It's time to do some fishing for . . . friends! Children's and educational entertainers grab your fishing hat because this magical effect is fun, educational, and ends with a 12 footer. Show your new fishing pole invention (change bag). Ask a helper to hold your tackle box as you introduce the bait to go fishing for friendship. Bait is five 15" Wonder Imagery silks with designs representing a friendly nature, smile, trustworthiness, cleanliness, and money. Wait, the kids always remind you that money doesn't attract true friends. The four remaining silks go inside the net and the fishing begins. Actually the waiting begins. Everyone knows fishing involves a lot of waiting. Stop waiting, you just hooked a big one. Reach into the change bag/fishing net and pull out the corners of a silk fish attached. Your helper holds one end and you hold the other as the fish is stretched out to be 12 feet long with a fish head on one end and tail on the other. In the middle are the faces of children from all over the world. You just caught a diverse group of friends. Comes with presentation suggestions, five bait silks, twelve-foot faces silk, and small fish silk. Use your own change bag and tackle box. Online instructions in video box below. Password to watch video comes with silks.
Original Fishing Presentation (Fishing Pole Change Bag No Longer Available)
Online Instructions (Password to watch instructions comes with silks)
Original Instructions and performance. Password comes with silks
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