Pirates Arr Us Instant Pirate Kit
Are you tired of being a fake pirate at parties? Is everyone laughing at your plastic eye patch? Your days of being a petty plunderer are over. You just received the Pirates Arr Us Instant Pirate kit. It’s time to get your pirate on. Open the package to discover a variety of . . . NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED! It’s an instant parrot feather, a plastic pirate hook, fake gold-plated bling and not a single pirate doubloon. Worst of all, the shortest shovel ever. How can you bury treasure with a tiny shovel? It’s time to get on the phone and ask for an order upgrade. It’s a good thing you’re a prime member. You have an instant access code for a better pirate kit. Punch the code in your phone and something is different in the package. The shovel is getting longer and longer and longer. This is long enough to bury your treasure DEEP. But still no pirate doubloon. Wait, there’s something else in the package now. It’s a pirate piggy bank, known as a Booty Barrel to real pirates. You’ll never guess what’s inside. Ok, you guessed it. A single pirate doubloon. ALL this fun with two different plunder worthy presentations, exclusive new appearing shovel design and all the extras. Handmade by Captain Barry himself. Plus, online access to all video instructions.
Another Performance Option. History of the Shovel. Small magic wand not included with Pirates Arr Us.
Instructional Video. Password Comes with Product
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