DIY Christmas Cracker Surprise
Barry Mitchell’s presentation for his virtual Christmas show. He uses a unique way to have a random Christmas Cracker selected on film. This is a prediction effect children will love. It's a DIY effect you can customize to your personality. Everything is explained in the password protected videos. Comes with art for both 8.5 X 11 and 8.5 X 5.5. Password access and instructions are provided in this unique download. Sam the Turtle introduces the effect in Barry’s show.
Why is there a Puppet in the Demo Video?
Christmas Crackers was created for Barry’s virtual holiday show for libraries and schools. Barry’s shows always include puppets as the stars. Sam the Turtle introduces each segment of the show with a short video. Sam is always picking on Barry about his dislike of pickles. Therefore, pickles keep popping up in the effect. Look closely over Barry’s left shoulder to see the NO PICKLES sign on the wall. To properly understand Barry’s presentation, you must see Sam and understand the reason for the pickles. YOU, the download buyer, can customize the effect for your unique personality.
Christmas Cracker DIY Instructions. Password comes with product.
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