Everlasting Crayon - Appearing Multi Color Pole - Appearing Pole

Everlasting Crayon - Appearing Multi Color Pole - Appearing Pole

  • $ 9900

Just when you thought the world had enough crayon tricks . . . we introduce the Everlasting Crayon. Show your childhood tie-dyed crayon bag. But we’re not in the kiddie pool anymore. You’ve invented an Everlasting Crayon. You’ll never need to buy crayons again. If the audience is willing to keep a secret, you’ll show them the everlasting crayon. But you don’t have a deal with the giant department store yet, so they better keep their trap shut. From the bag, you slowly pull out the tip of the crayon. Do they want to see more? DUH! Little by little the crayon gets longer and longer as you pull it from the bag. EIGHT FEET of color from one small bag! This blows their ever-coloring minds! You receive cloth bag, appearing pole and access to Barry’s online video instructions. You will LOVE how easy this is to perform. You’ll also love how the kids respond.

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Online Video Instructions. Password comes with product.

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