Fire Up Your Imagination DVD
Fire Up Your Imagination with Magic, Make Believe & Merriment for Fairy Tale & Fantasy Themed Shows.
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We put our imagination into overdrive to create unique ideas with silk, sponge, appearing poles and more. With chapter titles like these, you can ONLY IMAGINE the fun on this DVD. Dragon Fireball Factory, Fairy Dust Magnification, Goose That Laid Giant Green Gumballs, Humpty the Yokester, Wish Dish Imagination, Canned Corn, Dragon Drawers, Duc-agon, Good Looking Fantasy Fun, Hans Christian Quackerson, Hans Wrote It, Kissing a Frog, Swine Brothers, Turn Me On, Fairy Tale Figments, Knights of the Maple Table, Sam’s Staff, Five Buck Rug Ride, Unicorn Floss, Upside Down Wishing Well, Felix the Frog, King & Jester and The Magic Box. PLUS, custom art files and PDF book of all scripts.
But wait, there’s more . . .
S.O.S. - Strengths of Storytelling
Storytelling Tips and Techniques for All Performers
It’s impossible to prepare a fairy tale theme show without discussing the art of storytelling. Barry has shared some of the techniques used by professional storytellers to capture and keep the attention of all audiences. These techniques apply to ALL PERFORMERS. This content is more than another trick or magic secret. It’s knowledge and skills you can apply immediately in your shows, regardless of theme.
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