
Mirror Glass Silk Production

  • $ 4500

This isn't your grandfather's mirror glass.  This is a visual silk "production glass."  You don't need to turn the glass around for the silk to appear . . . it just APPEARS in a snap!  The method is VERY CREATIVE and will surprise you as much as it did us.  Begin with the glass empty and have a silk appear OR begin with a silk in the glass . . . remove silk . . . vanish silk via your favorite method . . . and watch the silk reappear in the glass!  The silk literally pops up in the glass when it appears.  You WILL use this in your shows!  However, you'll play with it first and show your friends because the gimmick is so clever. SILKS NOT INCLUDED.

This glass is perfect with our Thumb Things Silks. CLICK HERE

The gimmick is easy to load and you can learn it in minutes.  No magnets, threads or reels . . . it's automatic!  Silks not included.  Not designed for liquids. 

LIVE PERFORMANCE of Marty the Time Traveling Fly
This is a great example of using the Thumb Things silks with the Mirror Glass Production. 


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