

  • $ 16900



Is This Really A Halloween Idea?

Fishy Pipe Dream




It just doesn’t work!  It was supposed to be a book shelf and something went horribly wrong!  The light socket doesn’t light the bulb . . . it lights the socket!  A potato lifts a cinder block, which is impossible because it’s connected to a brick . . . a yellow brick.  Obviously found on the road.  A safety cone lifts a brick while it’s connected to a block.  It just doesn’t work!  The answer isn’t inside because it separates into three pieces with NOTHING inside.  It just doesn’t work!  Put it back together and it doesn’t work again.  The potato lifts the block while connected to the brick, which is connected to the safety cone, which is connected to the block.  But wait, there’s a switch box on the front.  It breaks open revealing a colorful mess. It’s an odd machine that serves only one purpose . . . to entertain your audience.  For that, it just DOES work!

Pipe Dream Presentations are UNLIMITED.  Due to the unique feature of the rings, almost any object can be used.  

Comes with everything shown except the light bulb.  Any bulb may be used because the light is INSIDE the pipe.

EXTRA STRESS TOYS are available and sold in sets of block, yellow brick, safety cone, and potato.  Only $12  (Pipe Dream comes with the stress toys, however, you might want an extra set.)

We'll be posting pictures of owners with their Pipe Dreams.  If you order one, please send us a picture.  Check out some of our new pipe dreamer pictures here among the images.


"They are EXTREMELY well made! It's obvious a lot of thought and careful craftsmanship went into building these."
Harvey Simpson

"I received my Pipe Dream today.  Wow! First of all I was surprised by the size of the box. Upon seeing it, I asked myself, "How big is the Pipe Dream?" And then I opened the box. Everything was carefully wrapped up. And then I had it in my hands. What a beautiful prop, Barry! This thing is so well made. And the size makes it great for birthday parties as well as stage shows. I just popped in the DVD and going to watch the performance and then the explanation. I have a handful of different versions of the Pom Pom pole but I can already tell that this will be my favorite. Great going, Barry!"
Jimmy Joza

"Best New Trick 2016. Barry has taken the Pom Pom to the highest BMP level: you can customize it so many ways: objects, color, story, etc. It's smooth as butter to use...and has so much comedy potential. My kids have seen the POM POM pole for years...yet when I perform this they run up amazed (even 14 yr olds) and pull the rings in shock over and over. The DVD makes it super easy to learn."
Adam Thornton

"All of the products (I've ordered from Barry have been) exceptional quality and when it comes to creativity beyond compare...but PIPE DREAM is magnificent the quality is top notch and what a wonderful new premise for an older effect!"
Brian Richards

"Pipe Dream. One of the most imaginative and useful creations that I've ever, ever seen! Mad scientist? Perfect! Clown? Perfect! Adaptable for many stories with its ability to interchange parts. Exponentially Genius!! From Barry Mitchell Products. I love it!"
Eric Youngvall

"I received my pipe dream yesterday. It is so well thought out and constructed. I am amazed at the quality."
Bryan Lake 

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