Super Chicken Extra CRAFTY (DIY Version)
Download DVD available. Download size is 1.6 GB and includes all video, music and art files.
If you’re a crafty clucker, you can make your own Super Chicken props using our performance CD with audio tracks and new logo artwork. You’ll also receive our new demo DVD with more instructions.
Many years ago a hero was born. Feathered friend, Kluck Kent, began his work with entertainers around the world. For 10 years he has been SUPER CHICKEN! But now he has cracked a new shell. Introducing Super Chicken Extra Crispy! Our new version has new capes, new hats, new beaks, new demo DVD, new performance CD with new voice recordings, and most importantly, new logos. With this “crafty” version you’ll need to make all your own props using your creativity but you will get everything else you need to know to perform the most comical silk to egg routine ever LAID, and now, it’s even crispier.
Think of it as a comedy skit meets a magic trick that goes OVER EASY on your audience.
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